
2024-05-19 00:52:53 穿越

"Hey, could you do me a favor and go up to the tree on the right side of C block? There's a paper stuck to one of the branches, and I need you to grab it for me."
The English class representative, Sarah, asked me this as I was passing by her in the hallway. I looked up at the tall tree she was pointing at, feeling a bit unsure about climbing up to such a height. However, I couldn't say no to her request, so I took a deep breath and made my way over to the tree.
As I got closer, I could see the paper dangling from one of the branches, just out of reach. I assessed the situation and decided that the best way to reach it would be to climb up the tree. With some effort, I managed to hoist myself up onto the lower branches and started making my way up towards the paper.
It was a bit of a struggle, as I wasn't used to climbing trees, but I kept pushing myself upwards until I finally reached the branch where the paper was stuck. With a slight stretch, I managed to grab it and carefully made my way back down to the ground.
I handed the paper to Sarah, who thanked me with a smile. As I walked away, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment for overcoming my fear of heights and successfully completing the task. It may have been a simple request, but it taught me that sometimes we need to step out of our comfort zones to help others and get things done. And who knows, maybe I'll become a tree-climbing expert in the process!
