mdict 词库

2024-05-01 12:06:52 大陆综艺

1. abandon: to leave someone or something, usually forever 2. abundant: a lot of something; plentiful 3. access: the ability or right to use something or enter a place 4. accompany: to go somewhere with someone as a companion or escort 5. accumulate: to gather or collect something over time 6. adapt: to change or adjust to fit a particular situation or environment 7. adequate: enough in quantity, quality, or size 8. adjust: to change or alter something to achieve a desired result 9. administrate: to manage or supervise the operation of something 10. advocate: to publicly support or recommend a particular cause or policy 11. agile: able to move quickly and easily 12. alert: watchful and ready to take action 13. allocate: to distribute resources or duties for a specific purpose 14. amend: to make changes to a document or law 15. analyze: to examine something in detail to understand its components 16. anticipate: to predict or expect something to occur 17. appeal: to make a formal request or plea for something 18. appreciate: to recognize the value or significance of something 19. articulate: able to express thoughts or ideas clearly and effectively 20. aspire: to have a strong desire or ambition to achieve something
